
Explore links to upcoming national conferences that are relevant to pediatric emergency medicine, as well as frequently updated educational videos content and articles.

In this section, we have included a link to upcoming national conferences that are relevant to pediatric emergency medicine, as well as frequently updated educational videos content and articles. This section also will be combined with the assessment section, which provides access to learning modules and competency assessment.

Healtheworks Patient Education Videos

Fever without a Known Cause

Pneumonia: What is it?

Fever Home Care

Viral Syndrome: What is it?

Pneumonia Home Care

Middle Ear Infection: What is it?

Wheezing: What is it?

Bronchiolitis Home Care

Middle Ear Infection Home Care

Respiratory Distress: Signs for More Care

Croup: What is it?

Wheezing Home Care

Upper Respiratory Infection Home Care

Croup: What is it?

Upper Respiratory Infection: What is it?